piano and voice lessons

$50/half hour or $80/hour

In addition to being a performer and songwriter, I also offer voice and beginner piano lessons. I never would've gotten to where I am without the support of my music teachers through the years, so it seems only right that I give that gift back to others. I provide in-home or virtual lessons in and around Arlington, VA so no travel is required on your end!

My teaching style focuses on flexibility, repetition, and having fun! Everyone learns differently, so every lesson I teach is going to be different. Together, we'll find out how you learn best, and let that guide us. The only constant in every lesson is repetition. Just like learning to walk or ride a bike, the only way to learn music is to keep doing it and practicing it until it's easy.

Whether you decide to take lessons with me or elsewhere, I'll share the most important fact about learning music: Practice is more important than raw talent. Someone with an incredible work ethic and willingness to practice will go miles farther than someone with raw talent but no follow-through.